The Power of Meditation

Here’s what will happen if you start the 20-minute challenge (20 minutes first thing each morning).

  1. Your focus, your awareness, will hone until you can watch the arising of every thought and impulse.
  2. You will naturally begin to eliminate the false and the negative, because you will see that they don’t help you.
  3. You’ll know your real, authentic being. You’ll feel free to live happily as your genuine self.

And this is why:

The point of meditation isn’t to stop thoughts forever.
 The point of meditation is to become like an air traffic controller,
 decider of which thoughts get to leave the runway for their final destination,
 and which ones you see early and send back to the hanger.

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20-Minute Morning Meditation...Amazing

First thing when you wake up, set a timer for 20 minutes. Lay down, close your eyes and belly breathe.

Belly expands on the “in” breath, sinks in the “out” breath.

Allow feelings to come. Explore what they are or let them dissolve. Just keep focusing on nice full breaths.

If you do that meditation every morning, you will:

  1. Clear out your inner space from the past, giving you a fresh beginning for the future.
  2. Feel a richer sense of “who you are,” and what is good for you.

You will realize a new steadiness to your emotions, because you have already established a baseline of inner-peace. You can always pause, take a few big breaths, remember that clean space and return to it.

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The 5 Heavenly Virtues - Superpowers for Your Mind

Do you want to feel crystal clear again? To eliminate the murkiness in your being?

Everywhere we look in modern culture, we are being fed the 7 deadly sins.

Our music, movies, and cultural icons are drenched in sin. Just look at the titles of movies on netflix - many are synonyms for lust, vengeance, anger, greed, and pride. And the whole experience is marketed as binge-worthy (gluttony).

Sin is shown to us as something exciting and cool, but the definition of ‘sin’ is that it leads you astray…down a dead-end road of loneliness and regret.

Everything good starts with Virtue. Sin is emptiness of Virtue.

We know the ‘deadly sins’, but did you ever hear of the Heavenly Virtues?

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Widsom of The Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu

The Tao Te Ching is a book loaded with pearls of wisdom. It will free you of all anxiety and give you real inner peace.

The Tao is about accepting change and enjoying evolution. You will feel real harmony with the way of nature, and act with effortless skill.

It will connect you with the root of life itself - the Tao - the energetic, eternal consciousness. Thus, the passing issues of the world cannot bother you.

It was written 2500 years ago, by a monk who ventured into the mountains alone to find life’s answers.

The Tao Te Ching contains 81 short, beautiful verses, and makes life-purpose, and human-nature very clear.

Here are some great lessons from the book:

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The Real Riches in Life

When you look back upon your life…what has really mattered? What brought you REAL satisfaction?

Looking back…powerful, long-forgotten memories burst upon the mindscreen…

Sunrays splash on the faded dash, cruising along the river in a convoy of friends, seeking lush camp spots for the night.

The electric wet eyes of a deer in an ancient meadow under red sandglass sunset, rolling slow and solo on my first motorcycle, cold wind on my chest.

Walking in the autumn woods with a real true love, red leaves of midwest autumn crunching under our feet, laying on a plush blanket, laughing under tree canopy and the warmth of her soft shoulder.

The feeling of sliding on a cozy old fuzzy-hooded sweatshirt with little burn holes from a hundred campfires.

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