
11 Superboost Affirmations – Powerful self-talk for daily success


Are you feeling pumped to take your life to the next level?
 Ready to blast off and fulfill your sacred dream?

Well here is the big secret: Self-concept is destiny.

The words you say about yourself will determine what you become. The look in your eyes, the confidence in your speech, and the smoothness of your body language all begin with your self-talk.

These 11 powerful affirmations will obliterate any obstacle.

Speak each affirmation out loud 3 times. Say it until you really mean it…until it is locked in your subconscious, and that line will blast you forward in evolution for years to come.

These are sacred statements. Speak with full concentration and total conviction…

The 11 Powerful Affirmations:

  1. Today, I have unstoppable energy.
  1. I accept everything exactly as it is.
  2. One step at a time, I will reach my goal.
  3. Everything I need is within me already.
  4. I am free to do what I think is best.
  5. Life is a gift and I will enjoy this day fully.
  6. I control how I react, and I can change my state in an instant.
  7. I can accomplish anything I dedicate myself to.
  8. I give and receive love effortlessly and easily.
  9. I forgive everyone for everything and I am ready to begin brand new. May new amazing things enter my life.
  10. The best days of my life are yet to come.

Speak them aloud to yourself every morning, every night, anytime you feel negative emotions creeping in. You will soon notice a great fountain of confidence rising in you.

These statements are a form of positive self-healing. They increase your genuine bravery and destroy anxiety. And they work for anyone…men, women, students, teens, even kids.

“What you consistently speak with emotional intensity, you will experience, you will create, and you will become. The words you speak with emotional conviction become the life you live – this is your heaven or this is your hell.” -Tony Robbins

Keep these words in your mind and you will have a superboost for success no matter what happens in your life. The more consistently you speak these affirmations, the more they will be available to you in times of difficulty.

Before long you will be walking with your chin up and your head held high because you’ve been working on your self-concept. You will begin to focus on your goals with certainty and clarity and people will be drawn to this energy.

May you speak these words every day with intensity and conviction.

May you have certainty about your value and great success in your goals today.

If you want to amplify the effect, speak these affirmations while walking or running or working out. Get yourself in a clear state-of-mind and lock these beliefs in for good.

Don’t let old beliefs stand in the way of your new potential.

Don’t let what anyone has said change what you know you can do.

You hold the key.

Your opinion of your capability is what shapes your future.
Become the master of your self-concept.

Believe that your success is inevitable, and it is.
You deserve to be happy, my friend.

If you’d prefer guided affirmations, check out this audio session:



How about you…
What is your favorite daily affirmation?