
Bravery - The Ultimate Superpower


Look at the little dude in that picture. He wants to jump from the mindset he’s in to a new reality.

He stands there thinking… -What if I can’t do it? -What if I slip as I leap? -What if I freeze at the last moment and topple over the edge into the abyss?

He is stuck in fear, because he is stuck in thoughts.

But fear is a misuse of the imagination - a blinding psychology, a distorted perspective.

To fear is to look at the worst possible outcomes of a scenario. Things that aren’t true can seem 100% true. In fear, we look at the obstacles instead of the GOAL.

We get lost in thoughts like:

-what if no one else is doing what I want to do?
 -what if it will take a lot of work?
 -what if I don’t succeed?
 -what if I do succeed and everything changes?

All of these are just distractions of your creative energy RIGHT NOW. None of these matter because they ignore the only crucial fact:

You love what you care about, and eventually, you’re going to do it - all out - or stand on the edge, waiting forever.

There is a YOU beyond the fear.

To be that real, authentic, powerful self, you must own your discomfort. You must admit it and let it surface. You must take action in body or mind to right it.

On the other side of fear awaits an ocean of capability, the strange reality of the unknown unknown.
 A world so full of glory that you cannot imagine it yet.

Breathe through the what-ifs, the self doubts, the rationalizations until they cease.

Blast them into a thousand tiny pieces and write down all the reasons instead why you will succeed.

Focus beyond all obstacles and think about how it all might go right.

Now you can have 100% of your focus in the moment, in the flow, to be maximally effective.

The fact is, if you really put your full effort into anything, you’ll eventually succeed in some way.

How to overcome fear right now Fear loses its power, when you’re calm. If you stay calm when fear arises, it’s cloudy haze will dissipate, and you will be free to move forward…clear.

If you feel you have fear in you, that’s okay. Actually it’s good…that energy is your fuel act bravely.

Fear is only unexplored bravery.

Let the fearful feeling rush in… Stare right at it and let it run through you like a charging river or a churning volcano. Let it’s torrential energy be a gift to fuel your dream.

It is your energy to use! You fear because you care, after all.

Don’t let your mind get hung up on any thing, on any circumstance, on any thought.

Calm yourself with deep breathing. All fear (which is just tension in your body) can be released through the breath.

Find the perfect, serene middle where there is no holding back.

Like a little kid going down a slide. Like a hawk dropping from a branch into flight. at ease, you just feel the right way to do it, and do it.

To be without fear is to be without thought…decisive.

You can relinquish the hesitation, the what-ifs, the self-doubts, the rationalizations.

You can have total faith in your own capability. Everything else is just standing on the ledge…waiting.

You can dominate your fear right now, by one of these actions: -50 deep controlled breaths to vanquish the fear below. -a good hearty run or 20 push-ups. -a cold shower. -some inspiration -an ACTION toward your simplest dream.


Let’s think about our little-guy standing on the ledge…waiting.

He sees what he must do. He assesses the REALITY that he can actually make that jump.

He locks his eyes on the landing spot, takes a few deep, full breaths and…knowing he will make it…plants his foot strongly on the ledge…and leaps.

See beyond all obstacles.
 Stay focused on the GOAL. Feel the right solution, trust yourself completely, and LEAP.

Calm is free.

Here’s a great video about the power of bravery:

What could you do with total bravery, beyond all fear?