
Go For a Run...Right Now


The big secret of running is this… You only have to push yourself to do the first few steps.

So just put on shorts and shoes and go for a little stroll. Get your energy churning.

Soon your legs will start to feel a little loose, so you’ll stretch em a little.
 Your breath will relax and you’ll feel that ancient electromagnetic tingle in your body. Let yourself feel it!

You start to feel good so a bouncy song comes into your head. You start nodding along with it and now the energy is bigger than you, so you start to trot…

With every step you feel bigger.
A fullness presses the skin of your thighs, you are strong!

You hop the sidewalk cracks and dodge a pothole. You feel in your bones that you are cousins with the lunging cheetah, the clydesdale, and the border collie…some ancient primal force awakens…you were made to move!

The speed feels good so you lean into it.

You eye up a waist-high bush beside the road and quicken your steps for the jump…
You push off and your whole body is floating,
 your heart lifts and your stomach drops and you smile fully AWAKE.

Your breath becomes heavier with the exertion, so the lazy little demon in your mind tempts you with a thought:
 “This is less comfortable than the couch. You can just stop now.”

“No. I’m going to run a mile.”

“Can you even run that far?” he asks.

“I can if I say I can,” you respond bravely.

You smack that whiny fool back into the pitiful abyss and gain a surge of new energy. A second wind, but really a sheer gale-force hurricane blasting you forward.

The energy is self amplifying and now you feel you could run forever.

The rhythm of your whole mechanism is one unified bouncing tempo…aligned.
 Your breath falls into perfect sync with the rhythm of your steps: in-in out-out.

After a few minutes, that pathetic little demon tries again: “A half a mile, hey that’s pretty good.”

This time you know his game, so you don’t bother responding, just headbutt him and lean forward with a snarl that says “Yeah, that’s right…watch this.”

Every time the weakling tugs at your mind with his dubious thoughts - laziness, overconfidence, self-doubt, and finally, fear of your own potential - you focus your courage and dominate the idiocy.

You blast through mental wall after mental wall until your mind slips into a calm trance. Scenery rolls by in a blur, and now the running is easy.

You toss a thumbs up to a fellow runner and he tosses one back at you. You give a confident smile to a girl on the sidewalk and she feels your mojo and smiles back.

You are cruising solo like a thousand-ton train with unstoppable force. There are no thoughts left, only the feeling and elation of being IN THE ZONE.

As your chosen finish line nears, the lazy weakling whispers: “Wow, I can’t believe you actually ran that far, you pretty much did it…you can just walk the last 100 feet.”

”Piss off! I am strong!”

You down-shift a gear and accelerate with full sprint for the last 20 strides.
 Your arms pump in full exertion…quads feel like they’ll burst through your shorts…torso heaves air and you squint through the pain.

>You lean across your finish line like a sprinter in the Olympic finals,
 and a brand new feeling floods your soul…immense self respect!

A new chorus of voices awakes to congratulate your achievement: “You are powerful! That was amazing. You did it!”

You stride heaving big breaths and understand now that you can elevate your own state. You can uplift your self.

After a week of running everyday, you have more energy than you know what to do with.
 You start to love the feeling so much that you jog down long hallways and across parking lots to your car,
 and in the woods on the trail with the trees gliding by.

“But I’m not a runner,”
 you say.

Well, a runner is someone who runs. If you go for a run…you’re a runner.

Go for a one run and you will love the feeling of running again…it’s on another level.
 Some dormant, ancient, primal power rises in your core.

You will wonder why, after thousands of years of evolution, the majority of our species has stopped running?

Just remember this secret…the first five steps are the hardest part.

So don’t think…just put on your shoes and go.

Here’s a video the will get your superthruster blazin:

Are you a runner or would you like to start?
How has running changed you?